A user-friendly dashboard interface offers an easily accessible, accurate, real-time overview of your operations such as:
Shock sensors provide information on collisions and help to prevent and avoid damage to your connected smart trucks and infrastructure. Giving insights like:
To make sure only trained and authorised drivers have access to your equipment it's possible to:
Follow up on impacts to continuously monitor and improve safety. For example, you can make sure the smart truck goes into creep speed after an impact. The truck will go back to full capacity only after being checked and reset by an authorised technician.
Optimise battery usage to prolong the battery lifetime and improve safety by preventing misuse.
Makes it possible to track the location of the smart trucks outdoor on your site via Google maps. You can for example identify critical areas on your yard where impacts occur.
Performing a customised safety check before starting up the truck improves reliability and safety in the workplace. A few examples of possible pre-op checks:
A smart card for drivers helps to increase safety and security by only allowing authorised drivers to access specific machines, with the possibility to add the feature to your existing smart cards.