* Terms and conditions apply. (Representative example based on a 4 week hire of a Toyota Tonero counterbalance truck).
When you can’t afford any downtime, due to service or repairs, short-term hire maintains your productivity.
When you have season peaks or need to support an additional shift, short-term hire is an economical way to boost your fleet size.
When you are evaluating a specific model in your operation, short-term hire can support you before opting for a longer-term agreement.
When you need a specific truck to get an occasional job done, short-term hire can cover a wide range of applications.
* Terms and conditions: Free delivery for standard delivery (within 2-3 days) only. Next day delivery subject to charge and subject to availability. Offer valid for Toyota Tonero counterbalance truck hires of 4 weeks or more booked between January 1 - March 31 2021.