Three reasons to arrange a free site survey

Getting a free site survey from Toyota can really help to improve your operation. Here's three reasons why you should arrange a free site survey from Toyota.
Forklift site survey

You can’t leave your material handling purchasing decisions to a supplier that doesn’t fully understand your operation.

You need to know what your material handling equipment will need to do. Here are three reasons why getting a free site survey from Toyota Material Handling will help your operation:

A site survey is free 

It costs absolutely nothing. One of the Toyota team will visit your site, talk to you and assess your operation. It can take 15 minutes if simple or anything up to a few hours for more complex fleets and applications. All the Toyota team have been trained using the key principles of the Toyota Production System (TPS) and the Toyota Way so they will assist you in continually improving your operation.

We don’t just look at trucks 

There’s a lot more to us than that. We provide the total business solution and can not only look at your material handling equipment but also your racking, truck management system, service contracts, operator training and assist with introducing a safety culture thanks to our Pride in Performance programme.

You need to get it right - first time

This initial time will make sure you get it right. You will have the right trucks, lifting weights to the correct height in the safest and most productive way you can. Not only that but you’ll have the security of knowing that you are using the world’s number one that can guarantee global resources, national coverage and local support.

To book your site survey call us today on 0370 850 1409.

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