Thorough Examinations – The Facts

Thorough Examination is one of the areas which seem to cause the most confusion amongst organisations. So today we thought we’d share some information with you about Thorough Examinations and why they are important. Here’s what you need to know.

What is a Thorough Examination?

Like an MOT for a car, a Thorough Examination is a legal requirement for trucks with forks. It is the operating sites responsibility to keep lifting equipment working within the LOLER98 and PUWER98 legislation guidelines. Under UK legislation all lifting equipment is required to have a periodic Thorough Examination inspection conducted upon it. This interval is determined by the type of equipment and how it is used.


I rent my truck, do I need to get it inspected?

As previously mentioned, it is the responsibility of the site owner to ensure that these inspections are carried out. That applies to all equipment whether it is owned or on a long-term hire agreement. If a truck is being rented on short-term hire for periods of up to one year, it is then the responsibility of the rental company to ensure that an inspection is carried out on the equipment; but it is preferential for the hirer to always check this and request a copy of the latest inspection report.


Who performs a Thorough Examination?

Toyota Material Handling UK is an accredited national provider of CFTS (Consolidated Fork Truck Services) Thorough Examination inspections. They are totally committed to working with customers to meet legislation and operate safe, reliable equipment. Toyota is actively working to ensure that other customers are aware of the legal requirements surrounding materials handling equipment and remind them to check that they are compliant.

The above advice does not only apply to powered equipment, it also applies to manual hand pallet trucks. Hand pallet trucks are often seen as disposable items which can be easily replaced, however if they are regularly maintained and serviced they will require less frequent replacement. These trucks are also subject to the LOLER98 lift truck regulations.

If you would like to know more about Thorough Examinations from Toyota, call 0370 850 1409 or visit our page today.


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