Toyota Genuine Parts

Why compromise by choosing other parts if you can maintain a truck that is 100% Toyota?

Quality guaranteed

  • Produced according to TPS (Toyota Production System)
  • Designed to perfectly fit Toyota trucks
  • Tested for safety and durability
  • Tested to prevent equipment failure

Genuine parts from Toyota are developed according to the same standards as all our Toyota trucks, so you can rest assured that all parts offer the same quality, reliability and safety: they’re an exact fit to our forklifts. Explore Toyota Parts Shop an official online shop for all the spare parts and accessories your forklifts need

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Man handling parts in storage

Maximise your uptime

  • All parts are tested in the same conditions your trucks will be working in
  • Extended lifetime of your equipment
  • Boosting productivity and performance of your operations

Genuine parts are built to be durable and risk-free, minimising any chance of breakdown during your operations. They are designed to perform the same tasks the trucks are produced for, lasting longer and not wearing out quickly, for maximum uptime of your fleet.

Parts box in foreground and service technician in background

Always available, close to you

  • 95% always in stock
  • Delivered within 24h  
  • Minimum 10 years available

Not only are we local to you to service your trucks, but 95% of our spare parts are always in stock. So whether we deliver your parts direct or as part of a service contract we can deliver within 24 hours. We can guarantee that all parts are still available for at least 10 years after we deliver your truck.

Accessories for every part
of your business

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